Ben Armitage


Ben Armitage is a shareholder and President of Billion & Armitage. Ben practices intellectual property law in the medical device, cleantech and chemical arts. He has experience in a wide variety of other disciplines, including many that cross with chemistry. Ben counsels clients on patent procurement, licensing, infringement and all areas of business that intersect with intellectual property issues.

Ben has experience in instrumentation/device development, biofuels, biomass conversion, fuel cells, batteries, medical devices, catalysts, polymers and membranes, animal health, crop science, food science, process manufacturing, plastics, green building materials, nanotechnology and sensor technology. Ben works with many mechanical technologies, including internal combustion engines, transmissions, vehicle frames, and accessories. He enjoys sports and therefore has drafted a number of patent applications to sporting goods, including baseball equipment, hunting products, mouthguards and golf equipment. Ben received his undergraduate degree from Central College (B.A., Chemistry, magna cum laude) and his master’s degree (M.S., Analytical Chemistry) at the University of Iowa, conducting research within an interdisciplinary group developing non-invasive detection devices for medical applications. Ben received his law degree from the University of Minnesota.

Presentations & Publications

  • “Intellectual Property: Start to Finish,” National Business Institute™  Video Webcast, Eau Claire, WI, January 2018.
  • “Trademark Law for Paralegals,” Institute for Paralegal Education™ Video Webcast, Eau Claire, WI, January 2015.
  • “Challenges and Experiences in Commercializing Materials-Based Technologies,” Licensing Executives Society 2014 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2014.
  • “Attorney’s Guide to the Valuation of Intellectual Property,” National Business Institute™ Live Teleconference, Edina, MN, July 2014.
  • “Save Money While Navigating Your Competitors’ Intellectual Property,” CleanTech Open, Minneapolis, MN, June 2014.
  • “Getting Things Done at the Patent Office and Post-AIA Strategies,” LifeScience Alley® presentation, St. Louis Park, MN, September 2013.
  • “Intellectual Property Issues for Start-Ups,” Midwest Cleantech Open, Minneapolis, MN, August 2013.
  • “Tips and Tricks in Getting Things Done at the Patent Office: How to Save Time and Money with the Current State of the USPTO,” Industry-University-Government Interface (IUGI) Sector of the Licensing Executives Society (LES), June 2013.
  • “Buying and Selling Intellectual Property,” National Business Institute™ Webinar, December 2012.
  • “What Patent Reform Means to University Inventors,” University of Missouri-St. Louis, America Invents Act Workshop, October 2011.
  • “Creating Licensable Patents and Software Protection,” presented to multi-campus technology transfer office meeting, February 2011.
  • “Top 10 Considerations in Commercializing Greentech,” Greentech Patent Seminar, Chaska, MN, July 2009.
  • “U.S. Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical Inventions,” (half day seminar; two day workshop), Academy of Intellectual Property Studies (AIPS), Mumbai, India, September 11 and 13-14, 2007.
  • “Process Claims: Patentability and Infringement Issues,” and, “Contributory Infringement, and Inducement to Infringe,” Strategies for Indian R&D Teleseminar Series, June & November 2007.
  • “Online Measurement of Urea Concentration in Spent Dialysate During Hemodialysis,” Proceedings of the SPIE, 2002.

Professional Organizations

  • Served as Co-Chair for CEEM (Chemicals, Energy, Environmental and Materials) sector of LES
  • Served as Programming Lead of IUGI (Industry-University-Governemnt Interface) sector of LES
  • Served on Content Committee for CEEM (Chemicals, Energy, Environmental and Materials) sector of LES
  • Served as Chapter Liaison for CEEM sector of LES
  • Served as Council Member for the MSBA Practice Management and Marketing Section
  • Member of Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM)
  1. Ben Armitage


  2. Michael A. Collins


  3. Mark Burns


  4. Robert Ray

    Patent Attorney

  5. Robert Myers

    Patent Agent

  6. Jennifer Buss

    Patent Attorney

  7. Ryan Meger

    Patent Attorney

  8. Ben Williams

    Patent Attorney

  9. Jonathan Wolff

    Patent Attorney

  10. Richard E. Billion


  11. Julie A. Shea

    Practice Administrator

  12. Wendy Skelly


  13. Stacey Dickinson

    Administrative Assistant

  14. Rebecca Krueger


  15. Emerald Seeling

    Paralegal/Law Student

  16. Scarlett Figueroa

    Accounting Assistant

  17. Tyler Jensen
